About the Journal

ISSN (Print): 1407-2971
ISSN (Online): 2592-8422
Latvia Police Academy founded and started publishing of the journal "Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija" in 1997 in order to provide an opportunity to academic staff and students (Master students and doctoral students) to publish the results of scientific research works.
Since 2010 Baltic International Academy (No 50–80) has been the publisher, since 2017 Baltic International Academy and Rezekne Academy of Technologies have jointly published the journal.
The journal has an international scientific editorial board where PH.Ds from Latvia, the USA, Estonia, Russia, Lithuania the Netherlands and Bulgaria work.
In 2007 the Science board of Latvia included three sections of the journal – criminal law, police rights, theory of criminalistics and the theory of investigation activities into generally recognised scientific editions.
The content of the journal is being made according to the sub-branches of judicial science, providing the priority to the sub-branches, research works, into which have been included into the Science board of Latvialist of the generally recognised scientific editions. They are followed by the papers in the sections, which correspond to the sub-branches of judicial sciences – sub-branch of law theory and history; sub-branch of civil law, sub-branch of state law, sub-branch of international rights.
The publications, which are included into the Science board of Latvia list of the generally recognised scientific editions make more than 70% of its amount. "Administratīvā un Kriminālā Justīcija" is the only journal in Latvia, which regularly publishes the research works in judicial science, in the sub-branches criminalistics and the theory of investigation and the sub-branch of police rights.
The journal is published four times a year.