Three Seas Economic Journal 2024-05-29T09:17:43+00:00 Anita Jankovska Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ISSN (Print)</strong>: 2661-5150</p> <p><strong>ISSN (Online)</strong>:&nbsp;2661-5290</p> <p><strong>Periodicity</strong>: four times a year</p> <p><strong>Language</strong>: English</p> <p><strong>DOI</strong>:</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Three Seas Economic Journal</strong> is an international scientific journal which deals with research in the field of macroeconomic and regional policy on the cooperation between European countries, studies on the development of transport and soft infrastructures, the digital and innovative models of business management, the transformation and development of regional communication models and building socio-economic cooperation between Northern, Western, Central, and Southern Europe, the formation of a sociocultural space and advancement of creative industries, art business, entertainment, and tourism in European countries.</p> THE EFFECT OF TRUST IN BANKING INSTITUTIONS ON BEHAVIOURAL INTENTIONS FOR E-SERVICES 2024-05-29T09:13:11+00:00 Răzvan-Ionuț Drugă <p>The adoption rate of electronic banking services (e-services) by consumers has increased significantly in recent years. For example, in the European Union, according to EUROSTAT data, the rate of individuals using the internet for internet banking increased by more than 25% between 2012 and 2023 (Eurostat, 2024). This may be due to several factors: the evolution of technology, the COVID-19 pandemic period, the time needed to complete a transaction, the availability of services, etc. The main objective of this paper was to assess whether trust in banking institutions can influence consumers' behavioural intentions when discussing the use of e-services. The following dimensions were considered to measure trust in the banking unit: Ability, Integrity, Benevolence (Bhattacherjee, 2002). A scale with the following dimensions was also used to measure behavioural intentions: loyalty, switch, pay more, external response (Zeithaml et al., 1996). The relationships were tested both between the "trust" and "behavioural intentions" dimensions taken as a whole and between the "trust" dimension taken separately and the "behavioural intentions" dimension taken as a whole. To achieve the objective of this study, the author collected data from 500 respondents in Romania via an online questionnaire. The surveys were conducted between April and August 2022. Partial least squares (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis. The PLS-SEM results confirmed the significance of three out of four direct relationships. For one of the hypotheses, the dimension "integrity" was removed from the proposed conceptual model due to preliminary tests. These findings can help credit institutions to take various measures to increase public trust in such institutions and encourage the use of e-banking services. The areas targeted by these measures include: financial education programmes; corporate social responsibility (CSR) campaigns; transaction security; quality of banking staff; and transparency of credit institutions. For future research, it would be valuable to know what results can be obtained in other geographical areas. It is recommended to adapt and create new scales that can measure trust in companies and consumer behavioural intentions. These tools can help companies develop in their industries.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Răzvan-Ionuț Drugă MODERN APPROACHES TO THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A MARKETING SYSTEM FOR ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES 2024-05-29T09:11:50+00:00 Mariia Bahorka Volodymyr Pysarenko <p>The purpose of the article is to study the system methodology and situational approach to the study of the crisis state of an agricultural enterprise, to analyse the theory and practice of anti-crisis management, to improve the mechanism of adaptation of an agricultural enterprise to crisis phenomena, and to propose effective anti-crisis management tools. The methodological basis of the study was a synthesis of the results of applied research in economics, scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, which highlighted the basic theories of competitive advantage, competitiveness and marketing management. Results. The results of the research together solve an important scientific and practical problem – the formation of a marketing system of anti-crisis management in the conditions of transformational economy. This system is strategic in nature and reflects the significant influence of social factors, risks and conditions of uncertainty. In the course of the study, a number of circumstances were identified that determine the negative and positive consequences of the crisis, as well as the conditions for overcoming it, without which it is difficult to objectively determine the probable losses and forecast possible options for the development of the enterprise. Practical results. To overcome the crisis, the company can take various measures, such as restructuring, financial reorganisation, strategic planning, changes in management structure, development of new products, marketing measures, etc. It is important to respond to the signs of the crisis in a timely manner and to manage the situation effectively in order to ensure the sustainable functioning of the company under difficult conditions. At the same time, the role of marketing activities in the anti-crisis management system is crucial. The task of marketing activities is to promote constant adaptation to changes in environmental factors and the company's operating conditions. Taking into account the modern development of the market economy, financial instability and the company's solvency, the effective organisation of a complex anti-crisis management system is of key importance. Value/Originality. Anti-crisis management is considered as a system of managerial actions and decisions in the conditions of transformation of the socio-economic system. These actions are aimed at diagnosis, prevention, elimination of crisis phenomena and neutralisation of their effects and consequences in the future.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mariia Bahorka, Volodymyr Pysarenko APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: FOREIGN EXPERIENCE 2024-05-29T09:13:40+00:00 Natalia Bobro <p>The purpose of this article is to study the application of artificial intelligence in higher education institutions in foreign countries. The article provides an overview of various tools for using artificial intelligence in the educational environment, reveals examples of successful implementation of digital technologies in higher education institutions, and outlines the shortcomings that should be taken into account when introducing artificial intelligence into educational practice. Methodology. The study used a set of complementary methods based on the principles of general scientific methodology: theoretical methods of analysis, synthesis and generalisation of works corresponding to the stated topic. Theoretical analysis allowed the identification of theoretical concepts, models and technologies used to support the educational process. The method of synthesis enabled the information obtained to be put into a systematic and comprehensible form. By synthesising different sources and data, a general idea of how artificial intelligence can be used in modern education was formed. The method of synthesis helped to build a system of existing knowledge and experience in this area and identify new areas of research. Results. The creation of individualised experiences using artificial intelligence and machine learning has been shown to tailor learning to the individual characteristics of the student, increasing the effectiveness of training. Personalised learning technologies are used to improve the learning process through data mining and the provision of personalised information. Personalised learning can also use methods such as games and virtual activities to make the learning process more interesting and engaging. Disadvantages include insufficient technological development, lack of personal contact, limited AI in the curriculum, limited creativity and flexibility of systems, algorithmic discrimination and loss of skills. Despite these shortcomings, it is noted that the use of intelligent learning systems and adaptive technologies allows for the personalisation of learning based on the individual characteristics of each student, which contributes to more effective training. It is important to find an optimal balance between the traditional approach to learning and the use of the latest learning technologies that will contribute to successful and productive learning. Practical implications include the importance of personalising learning with the help of intelligent systems, the need to find a balance between traditional and modern methods, taking into account the shortcomings of technology implementation, continuing research and developing partnerships for the successful implementation of artificial intelligence in educational practice. Value/Оriginality. The paper proposes specific methods and examples of artificial intelligence application in education, analyses the shortcomings of this process and provides practical recommendations for its further improvement.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Natalia Bobro PROBLEMS AND PRIORITIES FOR PREVENTING UNDECLARED LABOUR IN UKRAINE 2024-05-29T09:14:02+00:00 Larysa Bogush <p>The purpose of the article is to identify the scale of undeclared labour in Ukraine and to study the problems, principles and prospects of its prevention in unstable socio-economic conditions. Methodology. In line with the EU and ILO methodology, the State Labour Service of Ukraine interprets undeclared labour as legal paid activity that is not fully or partially registered in accordance with the law. Results. Undeclared work plays an important role in the practice of business management and competitiveness stimulation in countries with industrial, neo-industrial and post-industrial economies, which has been developed almost since the middle of the 20th century. The paper proves that undeclared work is a broader concept that includes legalised (both official and manipulative) as well as shadowy mechanisms of its occurrence and functioning. Given the problematic performance by the State Labour Service of Ukraine of its inspection and sanctioning powers, as well as the widespread use of non-standard labour relations (with mediation in the performance of employer functions, outsourcing of auxiliary, service and some specialised personnel to companies), tariff-free remuneration systems encourage numerous manipulations in the area of labour declaration and decent wages. The source of problems with the spread of remuneration systems based on an assessment of the complexity of the work performed and the qualifications of employees, as well as with ensuring decent working conditions for agency (loan, temporary) workers, is the unclear legislative regulation of these systems. Practical implications. The priorities for preventing undeclared labour in Ukraine are: a consistent increase in the share of wages in the structure of production costs; strengthening cross-control over the fulfilment of obligations to pay the minimum wage under the tariff-free and hourly wage systems; and the introduction of a sound methodology for harmonising the minimum wage, the subsistence minimum and other basic social standards linked to them. Value/Оriginality. The expediency of identifying institutionalised and manipulative mechanisms of undeclared labour, their formal and illegal bases is confirmed by the classification of the main forms of undeclared labour used by the EU, ILO and the State Labour Service of Ukraine; this approach will increase the complexity and effectiveness of systemic measures to regulate it (control, mitigation, prevention).</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Larysa Bogush KEYS TO CREATING AN EFFECTIVE REGIONAL INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE 2024-05-29T09:14:21+00:00 Ivan Bodniia Ivan Kerezvas Vasyl Syvochka <p>Integration processes in science, education and production are driven by the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of innovative scientific developments into mass production and the informatisation of the economy. The development of knowledge-intensive industries places new demands on the training and retraining of innovation-sensitive personnel, as well as on science, education and the economy as a whole, which are currently unable to develop effectively independently and adapt to changes in technology and engineering. The purpose of the article is to find promising areas for the development of education and science based on their integration with business entities not only within the limited space of regions, but also on the basis of spatial integration of territories with a special geographical location. Methodology. The necessary and socially significant conditions for the integration of science, education and business are the achievement of knowledge and skills, goals and values related to the acceleration of the reproduction of innovation potential in society, awareness of the role of science, education and business in solving problems of innovation development, and also their integration interaction in this area. Practical implications. Three main levels of economic systems are allocated: individual, organisation, and region. It has been determined that the degree of influence of innovation processes on them is determined by the presence and condition of three factors necessary for the formation of innovation susceptibility (stabilising, activating and structural). Value/Оriginality. Based on the concepts of the main innovation systems and the necessary conditions for innovative economic growth, the authors have clarified the content of the category "innovation receptivity of the region". The paper also reveals the basic principles of building a model of innovation receptivity and determines the degree of interdependence and interdependence between its constituent elements based on a systematic approach.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ivan Bodniia, Ivan Kerezvas, Vasyl Syvochka RESEARCH OF STUDENTS' ORIENTATIONS REGARDING INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION 2024-05-29T09:14:40+00:00 Oksana Bulyk <p>The purpose of the article is to identify and compare the essential characteristics of migration attitudes among Ukrainian and Polish students, and to outline trends in their development in the future. Methodology. The subjects of the research are students of various courses and specialties of the Lviv National Environmental University and the University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland). To collect empirical information, an online survey was conducted in October 2023, with 187 Ukrainian and 187 Polish students (n=374) participating. The questionnaire consisted of 10 questions, the results of which will be analysed in this study. The survey results showed that students of both higher education institutions have a rather positive attitude towards international migration processes, both women and men. Possible manifestations of student mobility can be seen as a fact that characterises the social role of modern students. Practical implications. The work is a study of young people's attitudes to migration, i.e., it is prospective, not retrospective. Such research can be extremely useful for the development of an effective socio-economic policy of the country. Since the research results reflect the moods of young people, they cannot claim to be highly predictive. However, a vision of what might happen if people's hypothetical aspirations were to become reality can be a powerful argument for politicians and statesmen in developing migration-related policies, both now and in the future. Value/Originality. Survey data from different age groups of students at two universities allow for a better understanding of their attitudes towards migration, immigration, and mobility and a comparison of these indicators in a peaceful country and in times of war. Possible manifestations of student mobility should be seen as a fact that characterises the social role of modern students. The problem, however, is that there are currently no effective mechanisms for managing these processes. There are also no mechanisms capable of ensuring the systemic effectiveness of communication links between different actors at the intercultural level, with the possibility of meeting their socio-cultural, professional and material needs in the process of socialisation of modern youth, as well as for the adequate reproduction of the intellectual potential of society as a whole. However, student emigration cannot be viewed exclusively from a negative perspective, as a "brain drain", although it is obvious that if students who study and work abroad do not return, the country loses part of its intellectual potential (Adamic, Dyachuk, 2023; Tokar, 2022). If to consider the return and emigration not as a purely territorial movement of students, but as a movement of intellectual resources, one can identify a positive trend: significant intellectual potential in the form of ideas, technologies and professional knowledge is returning to the country.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Oksana Bulyk PERSONNEL CERTIFICATION AS A COMPANY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY 2024-05-29T09:14:59+00:00 Bogdana Vyshnivska <p>The purpose of this article is to explore how personnel certification serves as a strategic tool for organisational development. It examines the importance of certifying employees as a means of enhancing organisational capability and competitiveness. By examining the role of certification in improving employee skills and knowledge, the article sheds light on its impact on organisational performance and growth. It also discusses how certified personnel contribute to building a skilled workforce, fostering innovation and meeting industry standards. Overall, the article highlights the importance of personnel certification as a proactive approach to advancing organisational development goals. The object of the study is the process of personnel certification and its impact on the company's development. Methodology. The use of an integrated method helps to eliminate formalism and subjectivity in personnel certification, increase openness and objectivity in the assessment, and stabilise the social and psychological climate in the team. When applying this method, a prerequisite is the unconditional support of the first manager, who should lead the personnel certification and implement its results through the HR services. Without it, certification will be formal and will not yield positive results. The comprehensive method of personnel evaluation integrates various assessment techniques to provide a holistic understanding of an individual's skills, competencies and performance within an organisation. It takes into account multiple factors such as job performance, behavioural characteristics and growth potential, allowing for a thorough analysis of an employee's contribution to the organisation. The comprehensive method of personnel evaluation is based on the use of groups of methods: descriptive method (biographical method; method of oral and written assessments, method of group discussions, method of standards, matrix method and method of free and compulsory choice of assessment situations); combined methods are methods based on the descriptive principle, but formalised with the help of conventional quantitative indicators (sum of scores method, method of specified groupings, testing). Research results. Evaluating personnel performance helps to attract and retain highly skilled and motivated employees, while analysing the effectiveness of recruitment strategies and methods will help to attract talented employees. Practical implications. The use of personnel evaluation methods will allow to understand how personnel certification contributes to creating a positive working environment and increasing the level of employee satisfaction; to study the impact of personnel certification strategies on the company's reputation among employees; to formulate specific recommendations for practical managers and personnel specialists for the successful implementation of personnel certification strategy; to develop strategic solutions aimed at increasing the competitiveness and stability of the company. Value/Originality. Personnel certification helps to improve internal and external communication, which contributes to a more effective exchange of information and helps to maintain unity among employees; it allows companies to adapt to changes in the labour market, creating attractive conditions for employees in new conditions. In general, effective personnel certification is determined by the ability not only to attract but also to retain talented employees, thus contributing to the sustainable development of the company in a competitive business environment.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bogdana Vyshnivska INNOVATIVE ANTI-CRISIS MANAGEMENT AT TRADE ENTERPRISES IN THE CONTEXT OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION AND RISKS IN UKRAINE 2024-05-29T09:15:17+00:00 Tetiana Ganushchak Olena Sova Viktoriia Melnyk <p>The article examines the activities of commercial enterprises during the crisis caused by the war, the coronavirus, and the European integration aspirations of Ukraine as a candidate for membership in the European Union. Despite the significant number of publications on anti-crisis policy, there are still unresolved problems related to risk management in the process of ensuring the anti-crisis policy of trade enterprises in the global economic uncertainty. Most of the companies in this sector suffered collapse and bankruptcy due to the complexity of operating conditions during this difficult period: power cuts, labour migration, changes in international and domestic supply conditions, selection of new suppliers, destruction of road and warehouse infrastructure, and the search for new logistics routes. The aim of this article is to offer practical recommendations that will help retailers strengthen their resilience, adapt to the changing environment through innovative crisis management measures, and quickly recover from the crisis to reach or exceed the previous level of financial and operational stability. The research methodology involves a two-pronged approach: a qualitative study through a literature review and interviews, which gives an idea of crisis management, and quantitative methods, including surveys and analysis of financial indicators. The article examines the activities of trade enterprises in the crisis period of the pre-war years, i.e., the time of the pandemic's impact on the dynamics of trade. It analyses the losses of retailers during the war. The objectives of crisis financial management are defined. The relationship between crisis management and the solvency and financial stability of trade enterprises is determined. The impact of insolvency of trade enterprises on the payment of wages to employees is identified. The authors propose a number of anti-crisis measures for trade enterprises in the context of wartime and a global pandemic, such as transition to online trading using marketing strategies and plans, cost reduction, effective inventory management, modelling the sensitivity of financial indicators to changes in the external environment, and search for innovative opportunities. Attention is focused on the growing role of human capital in business recovery, including the importance of staff training and professional development, improvement of motivation systems and human resource management. The paper suggests ways to increase labour productivity, such as process automation and the effective use of data analytics. Results. Thus, the objective need for innovative tools for crisis management of trade enterprises becomes a key element of research in the context of European integration and wartime.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Ganushchak, Olena Sova, Viktoriia Melnyk THE ESSENCE AND CLASSIFICATION OF MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASPECT 2024-05-29T09:15:41+00:00 Svitlana Zaika Igor Shaforenko <p>The decision-making process plays a crucial role in the management of any business and is a critical factor in its success and stable development. This process not only requires managers to be familiar with the latest methods and approaches to decision-making, but also requires a thorough analysis of the available information to provide an objective basis for selecting the most optimal solution. Management decisions made on the basis of a detailed study of factual data, the use of proven methods and the consideration of one's own experience in the field significantly increase the company's chances of success. The effectiveness of such decisions has a direct impact on the coherence and productivity of the company, transforming it into a well-established organisational mechanism capable of achieving set goals and adapting to changing external conditions. However, the key to improving management efficiency does not lie solely in the application of technical knowledge or data. It is also important for managers to understand the deeper meaning of the term "management decision". Such an understanding contributes to making decisions that are not only technically justified, but also morally justified, taking into account the broader context of the company's activities. The article examines the concept of "management decision", which is considered to be the most important element of any manager's activity. The authors reveal the essence of a managerial decision as a process and a result, which involves choosing an alternative course of action aimed at achieving the company's strategic goals. The subject of the study is a managerial decision as a process and result of a choice made by managers within their powers. The research methodology includes analysis of scientific literature, synthesis and generalisation of the results obtained, systematisation and classification of managerial decisions according to various criteria, as well as identification and description of the main criteria for making managerial decisions. The purpose of the publication is to reveal the concept of "managerial decision", to study its essence, classification and criteria for making it. The article defines the concept of "managerial decision" as a process and result of a choice between possible alternatives made by managers within the limits of their official powers and competences. This choice is aimed at achieving specific goals of the enterprise and solving emerging problems. It includes analysis of the existing situation, evaluation of possible options, their optimisation and economic justification, and finally, selection of the most effective way to achieve the goal. On the basis of generalisation of various approaches, a classification of managerial decisions by various criteria is proposed, which allows better understanding of their diversity and peculiarities. The article describes a set of criteria that serve as a basis for evaluation, development and adoption of managerial decisions. The paper emphasises the importance of a comprehensive approach to management decision-making, based on a thorough analysis of the situation, a balanced choice between alternatives and a clear definition of implementation mechanisms. The results of the study may be useful for executives at various levels, managers, and researchers studying the theory and practice of managerial decision-making.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Svitlana Zaika, Igor Shaforenko LOGISTICS OF MATERIAL FLOWS IN SHIP REPAIR PRODUCTION PROJECTS 2024-05-29T09:16:04+00:00 Iryna Zaporozhets Nikolai Fateev <p>A logistics system is a complexly organised, integrated economic system consisting of interconnected links in a single process of managing material and related flows. Project management in logistics systems uses the application of project management methods and models in the process of designing logistics systems and managing changes in them, as well as solving the problems of managing resource flows in logistics systems. The design, creation and management of logistics systems is accompanied by their presentation as an integral set of elements in certain relationships and connections between them. The logistics system should meet the goals of their design and management. The article outlines elements of the mechanism of logistics management of material costs of ship repair production. Efficient use of the company's resources is possible through the systematic development of a system of organisational and technical measures to reduce costs. All cost-cutting measures are closely interrelated and comprehensive, reflecting the relationship of each of them with the entirety of ship repair production elements. The paper substantiates the production features of a ship repair enterprise and analyses the factors that determine the level of costs. It identifies types of ship repair works and stages of preparation of vessels for repair, which makes it possible to plan costs for formation of the production programme. This text presents the production structure of a ship repair enterprise and discusses the peculiarities of product costing. Ship repair companies use planned, indicative, estimated (technical) and reporting costings. This makes it possible to develop a mechanism for managing the costs of ship repair projects and the production process of a ship repair company.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Iryna Zaporozhets, Nikolai Fateev UKRAINIAN FORCED MIGRANTS’ INTEGRATION IN EUROPEAN LABOUR MARKET: GERMAN VS POLISH CASE 2024-05-29T09:16:29+00:00 Evelina Kamyshnykova <p>The tsunami of forced migration caused by Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022 poses a significant challenge to the socio-economic systems of host European countries, in particular Germany and Poland, which are the two main destination countries for displaced Ukrainians. Despite relatively similar statistics on the number and demographic structure of Ukrainian forced immigrants, the two countries differ significantly in terms of the level of labour market integration of refugees, which is a key factor determining their social integration and economic outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to study the peculiarities and common features of the integration of Ukrainian forced migrants in the labour markets of Germany and Poland, taking into account the pre-war experience of these countries in attracting Ukrainian economic migrants. Methodology. The study is a comparative analysis of the pre-war and forced migration trajectories of the two countries based on data from the German and Polish statistical services and Eurostat in 2010-2022. Results. The article discusses the redistribution of the main demographic characteristics in the profile of Ukrainian migrants in the post-war period, which led to an increase in the share of women with higher education in the demographic structure of migrants. These demographic differences, coupled with the peculiarities of European labour markets, have affected the employment prospects of Ukrainian refugees in European countries of destination. The pre-war experience of temporary labour migration from Ukraine and social ties between refugees and members of the diaspora were recognised as factors that facilitated the integration of Ukrainian refugees. The analysis showed that in addition to the geographical and cultural proximity between Ukraine and Poland, the circular labour migration model that dominated relations between Ukraine and Poland contributed to the rapid integration of Ukrainian refugees into the labour market after the outbreak of full-scale war. The lack of German language skills is the most common reason for the lower participation of Ukrainians in the German labour market compared to the Polish one. In Germany, favourable labour market conditions combined with integration policies facilitate access to the labour market for Ukrainian refugees in the long term. Practical implications. By examining the previous circular seasonal migration of Ukrainians over the past decade and their labour market integration in specific destination countries after the outbreak of war, this paper provides a broader perspective for the study of the transition from forced to permanent migration. Value/Originality. Given the global growth of both seasonal labour migrants and forms of movement, the key findings of the study provide a better understanding of these changing categories of mobility and their implications.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Evelina Kamyshnykova THE IMPACT OF FOREIGN INVESTMENT ON UKRAINE'S COMPETITIVENESS AFTER THE WAR 2024-05-29T09:16:49+00:00 Maryana Kohut <p>The purpose of the paper is to critically analyse and understand how foreign investment can affect and potentially improve Ukraine's competitiveness in the global market after the war. Methodology. This study aims to analyse the various aspects and dimensions of foreign investment, in particular direct investment flows, and their impact on key sectors of the economy in Ukraine in the post-war period. In addition, it attempts to assess the challenges and opportunities that foreign investment creates in the context of rebuilding and modernising Ukraine's infrastructure, enhancing its technological and innovation potential, and strengthening its labour force and industrial base. The survey results showed that foreign investment has had a significant positive impact on Ukraine's economic growth in the post-war period, especially in the restoration of key industries and infrastructure. FDI plays an important role in attracting advanced technologies and expertise to Ukraine, thereby increasing its competitiveness. The document emphasises the need for policy reforms to create a more favourable investment climate, including improved legal protection for investors, anti-corruption measures and increased efficiency of the bureaucracy. The results of the study point to the existing challenges in attracting foreign investment, such as political instability, infrastructure deficit and unclear investment legislation. Finally, the publication forecasts the long-term impact of foreign investment on economic stability and growth trajectory in Ukraine, which leads to cautiously optimistic conclusions. Practical implications. The research aims to provide insights and recommendations on how Ukraine can effectively use foreign investment to rebuild its economy, increase its global competitiveness and ensure long-term sustainable development in the post-war period. The SWOT analysis in this article helps to identify strategic areas for improvement and capitalisation. It can help them formulate policies to improve the investment climate by focusing on strengthening strengths, mitigating weaknesses, seizing opportunities and protecting against threats. Value/Originality. The value and originality of the paper lies in its comprehensive and detailed study of how foreign investment can be a key factor in reforming and reviving Ukraine's economy after the war. The paper specifically examines the post-war economic landscape of Ukraine, a topic that has not been widely studied. It provides a fresh perspective on the challenges and opportunities for a country recovering from war.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Maryana Kohut GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF TARGET DESIGNATION OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS 2024-05-29T09:17:08+00:00 Andrii Liubchenko <p>This article examines the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the context of a modern market economy. The author draws attention to the priority of agricultural land use established by law and the importance of efficient use of these resources for the development of other sectors of the economy and in accordance with the needs of the population. The study examines the factors that influence the decision to change the designated purpose of land and discusses the possible consequences of such changes for agricultural production and environmental sustainability. The subject of this research is an analysis of the problem of changing the designated purpose of agricultural land in the current conditions of a market economy. The research methodology includes an analysis of current legislation, a study of the practice of applying its provisions, as well as a review of current research and statistics in the field of agriculture and land relations. The purpose of the article is to reveal the importance of the priority of agricultural land use and the need for efficient use of these resources in a market economy. The study shows that changing the designated purpose of agricultural land can have a significant impact on the economy, environment and social sphere. It is shown that, despite the need for other uses of some land plots, the priority of agricultural land use is a key factor in ensuring food security and sustainable agricultural development. Based on the analysis of research, the author concludes that it is necessary to implement comprehensive measures for the conservation and rational use of agricultural land. The proposed strategies include the development of effective legislation, promotion of alternative forms of agricultural production, such as organic agriculture, as well as control over compliance with land legislation and the introduction of tools for monitoring changes in land designation. The article examines the list of principles of land management, including the principles of sustainable use, rational use, environmental safety and others. The author emphasises the importance of taking these principles into account when making decisions on planning and use of agricultural land in order to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and preservation of the environment. The study found that economic, environmental and social aspects are important among the principles that influence changes in the designated purpose of agricultural land. Economic principles include the value of land, its efficient use and market competitiveness. Environmental principles focus on the preservation of soil, water resources and biodiversity. Social principles take into account the interests of the local population, ensuring food security and even development of territories. The conclusion of the study emphasises the need to take these principles into account when developing strategies for land use, sustainable agricultural development and the conservation of natural resources. In addition, it is important to develop land management mechanisms based on the principles of economic efficiency, environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Such an approach states the need for a balanced approach to changing the designated purpose of land, taking into account the interests of the agricultural sector, the needs of the population and environmental requirements. This approach will help to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector and efficient use of land resources in the current economic and environmental challenges.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Andrii Liubchenko STRATEGIC ASPECTS OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF MILITARY OPERATIONS: UKRAINIAN EXPERIENCE 2024-05-29T09:17:25+00:00 Tetiana Stroiko Vitaly Burkun Roman Medvedov <p>The purpose of the article is to study the strategic aspects of human resource management in the context of military operations and to substantiate the ways to minimise the negative effects of permanent crisis phenomena. Theoretical research has shown that when quarantine is lifted and during martial law, it is not about increasing the company's efficiency, but about how not to lose it. The research forms the theoretical and methodological basis for the practical aspects of HR management under martial law, but further study is needed to adapt the methods of HR management of organisations and enterprises to the conditions of military operations. An important aspect of management is to create conditions for the development of innovation, team spirit and the pursuit of high quality. Encouraging employees to be flexible in the interests of an adaptive organisation and continuously improving the quality of work are key. In addition, it is important to maintain working conditions that guarantee a high level of employee health and safety. By summarising theoretical studies and expert assessments, the article provides general approaches to the development of a human resources management strategy in the context of armed conflict. In the context of a permanent armed conflict localised in certain regions, it is important to have sufficiently qualified and trained personnel capable of effectively performing the tasks assigned. It is substantiated that motivation and recognition are important factors of personnel management in organisations. Ensuring the safety of personnel is the main task in wartime. The importance of effective internal communications in wartime increases significantly. The conditions of armed conflict can change very quickly, making flexibility and adaptability important qualities in human resources management. Organisations need to be prepared for rapid changes in plans and objectives, as well as changes in staffing levels. Effective management and leadership can ensure staff cohesion and motivation and ensure that tasks are completed successfully. Organisations should be prepared for changes in plans and strategies, as well as in the composition of their staff. The use of integrated approaches to strategy development will help organisations to effectively manage their workforce in times of war and ensure the functioning of their organisations.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Stroiko, Vitaly Burkun, Roman Medvedov LABOUR MARKET IN UKRAINE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF A YEAR OF FULL-SCALE WAR 2024-05-29T09:17:43+00:00 Olha Cheromukhina <p>The main purpose of this research article is a comprehensive study of the transformational impact of a full-scale war on the labour market, with a special focus on the challenges posed by labour force dynamics in the context of the Ukrainian economy. Through rigorous analysis and empirical research, the paper aims to identify and highlight the multifaceted changes that occur in the labour market during conflict, shedding light on the complex relationship between war-induced factors and the composition of the labour force. By examining these dynamics, the paper aims to make a valuable contribution to policy and strategic decision-making aimed at mitigating the negative effects of war on the labour market, which will ultimately contribute to sustainable economic recovery and development after the conflict ends. Methodology. This research article uses secondary analysis of data from the State Employment Service, as well as the results of surveys conducted by sociological groups and consulting companies. The practical implementation of the conclusions outlined in this article involves the formulation of targeted recommendations aimed at improving the effectiveness of state policy on the labour market in Ukraine, in particular, with a focus on the restoration of human resources in the post-conflict period. Drawing on the findings of a comprehensive analysis of war-induced labour market changes, these practical recommendations aim to offer actionable strategies for policy makers and stakeholders. Emphasising the need for rapid and adaptive interventions, the authors call for evidence-based decision-making to address the identified challenges. The practical implementation of these recommendations aims to guide the development and implementation of policies that will not only mitigate the immediate impact of the war on the labour market, but also contribute to the long-term sustainability and stability of the Ukrainian labour force. Value/Originality. Current trends in the labour market are analysed. The main threats to the labour market of Ukraine and the impact on the supply and demand of labour under martial law are identified. The author proposes to regulate the professional and qualification imbalance in the labour market through the system of advanced training or retraining of employees seeking employment in a profession in demand in the economy; spreading new forms of employment and supporting self-employment; investing in the creation of new jobs with decent conditions and remuneration.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Olha Cheromukhina