

Published: Nov 25, 2021

  Karina Ostapenko


The need in mature, scientifically ground state migration policy is extremely high, and it is becoming more and more pressing with each subsequent year. There is an increasing demand for crosscultural comparisons, as far as yet more ethnic groups are becoming involved into migration processes. The research applied the conceptual approach, covering representatives of three generations of one and the same family. The research has demonstrated that four types of acculturation statements correspond to certain types of behavior in the process of acculturation, types of ethnic and civic identity formation. It has also revealed essential correlations of ethnic identity with acculturation strategies in three generations.

How to Cite

Ostapenko, K. (2021). INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSMISSION OF VALUES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 51-56.
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cultural tramsmission, generational, transmission of values

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