

Published: Nov 30, 2021

  Roman Galych


Every pharmaceutical or chemical company, which through its research has been able to develop an innovative medicinal product, intends to do the result of the work an object of intellectual property and protect the rights to use it. The patenting is one of the means to ensure the protection of intellectual property. There is an urgent necessity to develop new legislation and to amend the legislation on the protection of intellectual property in the pharmaceutical industry at the moment. In addition, the issue of the state’s place in the market of pharmaceutical production and services also require a solution. The study reviews the situation with respect to the above issue and proposes the ways to resolve that. The article identifies the main problems of the organization of the legal protection of intellectual property, which adversely affect the observance of constitutional rights of citizens, well-being and public health. Based on the analysis of scientific articles and relevant regulatory documents, the proposed solutions are presented that could ensure adequate protection of intellectual property rights and meet the needs of the end user.

How to Cite

Galych, R. (2021). ISSUES OF PROTECTION OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN CERTAIN FIELDS OF ECONOMY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 21-27. Retrieved from
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civil rights, intellectual property, patenting, pharmaceutical property, medicinal product, patent

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