

Published: Dec 1, 2021

  Denis Fokin

  Vladimir Gavrilov


The paper analyzes and compares the provisions of Russian and Latvian legislation on certain types of things. Thus, things are considered movable and immovable, divisible and indivisible, complex things, as well as the principal things and appurtenance. This highlights the features, advantages and disadvantages of the legal regulation of things. It also considers the provisions of a number of foreign legal systems, including in particular Germany and France. The author makes proposals for improving the Civil Code of the Russian Federation related to the introduction of provisions on the possibility at the discretion of the parties to recognize the status of an indivisible thing for a divisible one, to establish the indicia of being affixed to and introduce rules of affiliation to the structure, enterprise, ship and aircraft accessories, as well as recognition of agricultural equipment and livestock as appurtenances of agricultural land. At the same time, the author proves in his work why certain provisions of the legislation of Latvia and other states cannot be transferred to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

How to Cite

Fokin, D., & Gavrilov, V. (2021). SOME KINDS OF THINGS UNDER THE LAWS OF RUSSIA AND LATVIA. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 54-60. Retrieved from
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a thing, types of things, divisible and indivisible things, a complex thing, movable and immovable things, the main thing, affiliation

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