

Published: Dec 1, 2021

  Rihards Erdmanis


The author of the article analyzes the concept of education and its legal significance, as well as gives an idea of the right to education in the context of Latvian and international law. The concept of education can be understood both broadly and in a narrower sense. Within the framework of this article, in the disclosure of the legal significance of education, an interdisciplinary approach is used. In a broad sense, education is the whole process of social life, through which an individual or a group of people consciously learns, develops their potential, abilities and knowledge for the benefit of national or international communities. This process is not limited to any specific actions. It takes place throughout life. Education is a socially organized activity, a planned series of events, humane by nature, leading participants to learning and understanding, this is an organized way of transferring experience. After all, education is a complex term. According to the author, education is both a process and a result. In a narrow sense, the term education is associated with institutionalization, respectively, in the context of educational institutions - students, teachers, parents, heads of educational institutions, etc., rights and responsibilities.The right to education is an integral part of human rights, and therefore the right to education is analyzed in this article. The author examines in detail the right to education in both national and international law, in case law and doctrine. The author gives a brief idea about the concept of education in a legal context.

How to Cite

Erdmanis, R. (2021). THE LEGAL ASPECT OF EDUCATION AND THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 61-69. Retrieved from
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Education, right to education, the legal significance of education, education system

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