

Published: Dec 1, 2021

  Ivars Kronis


The article analyzes the legal norm, which provides for the criminal liability of the administrator and the representative of the debtor within the framework of legal entity insolvency proceedings or of the insolvent natural person in these proceedings. Up to now the criminal law science of Latvia discussed the issue of criminal aspects of delaying insolvency proceedings, however the authors, who researched them, did not go into details or analyzed them in conjunction with the previous insolvency regulation. This is indicative of the topicality of the theme, the importance of theoretical and practical research in the modern criminal law. By means of his thesis, the author wants to even if partially close this gap, examining the most important aspects of the theme. Although the time passed after the effective date of the new Insolvency Law of November 1, 2010 is not enough to form legal practice in the criminal aspects related to delaying insolvency proceedings, it is the right moment to emphasize the urgency of the problem and to thoroughly evaluate the most important issues. Therefore, the purpose of the thesis is, analyzing peculiarities of offence as specified in Article 215 of the Criminal Law, to evaluate theoretical and practical aspects of its application. The empirical base of the research is formed by scientific theses and collections of articles, periodical editions and primary sources, legal acts, statistical data, Internet resources, other information in the public domain. To develop the thesis, the author used analytical, comparative, inductive and deductive methods of research.

How to Cite

Kronis, I. (2021). CRIMINAL LIABILITY FOR DELAY OF INSOLVENCY PROCEEDINGS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 75-82. Retrieved from
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insolvency proceedings, administrator, creditor, debtor, criminal liability

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