

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Dace Melbarde


The topic of Masters Thesis relates to the out-of-family care and their types in Latvia. The subject is very topical, because the crisis has changed the  nacial situation of the society and thus the quality of life. During the crisis  nancial situation of families deteriorated and internal relationship between family members, between parents and their children is getting worse. More and more families come into crisis situation and as a result of that often parents custody rights are terminated.The children are removed from families, and it is necessary to ensure extrafamilial care. The out-of family care for children in Latvia is ensured with a guardian, a foster family or an institution of long-term social care and social rehabilitation institution.

How to Cite

Melbarde, D. (2021). THE OUT-OF-FAMILY CARE AND ITS TYPES IN LATVIA. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 29-36. Retrieved from
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Orphan’s Court, the guardian, foster family, an institution of long-term social care, social rehabilitation institution

1. Le Blanc L.J.The Convention on the Rights of the Child: United National Lawmaking of human Rights. University of Nebraska Press- LINCOLN, 1995.P. 72
2. 19 June1998. Protection of the Rights of the Child Law//LV,99/200 (1260/1261). 08 July 1998”. Zi ot js”,15, 04 August 1998 [came into force 22 July 1998] ) with amending laws until 02 March 2017.;
3. ibidem (turpat);
4. Convention on the Rights of the Child on 20 November 1989, akti/starptautiskie dokumenti/?doc=681
5. 28.01.1937. The Civil Law. Part one. Family Law // Zi ot js, 22, 10 June 1993, “Vald bas v stnesis”, 41, 20 February 1937 [came into force 01 September 1993.], with amending laws until 29 October 2015.;
6. Law on Orphan’s and Custody Courts, was adopted on 22 June 2006, came into force on 1 January 2007., published in Latvijas V stnesis Nr. 107 on July 2006, with amending laws until 29 October 2015;
7. Cabinet Regulation No. 1036 “Regulations for Foster Families”, adopted 19 December 2006, came into force 01 January 2006, published in Latvijas V stnesis Nr. 207(3571) 29 December 2006, with amending laws until 02 June 2015;
8. Law on Social Services and Social Assistance.
9. Ombudsman: children’s lives are broken
10. „Jurista v rds” 20 February 2014.