

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Linda Zinge


The Article The civil procedural defence against violence in Latvia is concerned with the issue of interim protection against violence as a legal doctrine established in order to allow a person to seek protection in accordance with civil and administrative procedure against violence in ones family or among other persons that have or used to have any personal relations and to protect personal rights of people in Latvia. The article looks at the possibility for a temporary protection against violence. The Author of the article The civil procedural defence against violence in Latvia carries out an analysis of a tentative process for a temporary protection against violence and the issues of concern associated therewith, along with the judgements on interim protection against violence in Latvia. The goal pursued by the author is to study the legal nature of protection measures available to the victims of domestic violence in the dimension of national law, revealing the potential problems that can be encountered in practice and suggesting solutions for these problems. The article was developed in reliance upon regulatory acts, social and political essays, court case materials, Internet resources, unpublished materials and statistical data. The Article uses 13 literary sources

How to Cite

Zinge, L. (2021). THE IVIL PROCEDURAL DEFENCE AGAINST VIOLENCE IN LATVIA. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 86-94. Retrieved from
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domestic violence, temporary protection against violence, application for temporary protection against violence, measures of temporary protection against violence, imposition of temporary protection against violence, judgement on temporary protection against violence

1. Mierina A. Protection against violence in the family from the perspective of both the national and international law.//Jurista Vards No. 32 (884) 18.08.2015. – 9-15 p.
2. The Ministry of Welfare. The compiled data on violence presents only the very tip of the “iceberg”. – – resource viewed 23.03.2017.
3. The Civil Procedure Act. A law passed in the Republic of Latvia on October 14, 1998 that is currently in effect// Latvijas Vestnesis November 3, 1998 No. 326/330 (1387/1391), Zinotajs December 3, 1998. No. 23, with the last modi cations made on December 8, 2016.
4. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0113/15 – unpublished material.
5. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0011/16 – unpublished material.
6. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0133/15 – unpublished material.
7. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0012/16 – unpublished material.
8. Celmina I. Application for temporary protection against violence: the actual practice.// Jurista Vards No. 5 (959) 31.01.2017. – 36-40 p.
9. Liepaja Court judgement of 13 October 2015, case No. 3-12/0110/15 – public .
10. The Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 161 “Procedures that prevent threats of violence and provide temporary protection against violence”, passed on March 25, 2014 is currently in effect// Latvijas Vestnesis March 31, 2014, with the last modi cations made on January 6, 2015.
11. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0110/15– unpublished material.
12. Judins A. The disregard of the order for temporary protection against violence.// Jurista Vards No. 41 (893) 20.10.2015. – 22-27 p.
13. Civil case of Liepaja Court No. 3-12/0110/15– unpublished material.