

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Kristine Ratfeldere-Belopolska


Taking into consideration the existing contradictions within the Labour law concerning the working hours and workplace organization, the mechanism to calculate the aggregate working time or shift work is incomprehensible thus limiting the employer’s freedom of action when considering these issues as well as the ability of an employee to adequately perform his or her duties without violating the demands of the normative acts, The purpose of the paper is to investigate the nature of working hours and their organization. In the paper, the author employs the following research methods: analytical and the synthesis method to investigate the concepts pertaining to working hours, the organization of said hours and the rest period. By using the systemic, historical and teleological (meaning and purpose) methods, the contents of the law and the nature of its application were successfully researched.

How to Cite

Ratfeldere-Belopolska, K. (2021). IMPERFECTIONS OF LEGAL REGULATION IN LATVIA CONCERNING AGGREGATE WORKING HOURS AND SHIFTWORK TIME. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 56-60. Retrieved from
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working hours, rest period, aggregate working time, shiftwork

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