

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Marianna Drazanova

  Karel Marek

  Zdenek Sadovsky


The article focuses on the current strategic priorities of the implementation in the Czech Republic the concept of “Industry 4.0” as a response to the 4th industrial revolution and support to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), including innovative ones as the basis for the transformational processes at hand. The article points out the new approaches to solve the legal issues of SMEs in the innovation environment through the development of automated system of legal information (ASPI) and the Internet. The article underlines the necessity of establishing a system of standard contracts to address both the traditional legal issues as provided by law: contracts of purchase and sale, labor contracts, loan contracts, etc., and those not expressly named by law: leasing, franchising, outsourcing, etc., to implement the above strategic goals and to improve the validity of decisions. The article stems from the phased implementation of International interdisciplinary science project “The factors to Improve competitiveness and managerial effectiveness for small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) in local and global environment”, № MGA 04-01 Institute of economic studies and analytics, STING Academy, Czech Republic.

How to Cite

Drazanova, M., Marek, K., & Sadovsky, Z. (2021). LEGAL AND ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES IN THE INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 21-32. Retrieved from
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automatic system of legal information, system of standard contracts, innovation environment, small and medium enterprises

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