

Published: Dec 2, 2021

  Julija Legai


Nowadays, the uses of land plots and other types of immovable property can give rise to a number of problems, which in some cases do not have a solution within one branch of legislation exclusively due to the specific character of the subject of regulation. Due to the inadequacy of the normative framework and the holds related to the current problems, the law enforcers resort to discretionary developed solutions to find a workaround from the situations created, which subsequently lead to civil disputes. All the above necessitates the research into the institute of servitude as an immediate element as regards the use of land plots and other types of immovable property in legislation of many countries. The study is aimed to look into the issues of legal and regulatory framework of servitudes as an institute; to carry out legal and comparative analysis on the above subject, as well as to come up with suggestions on improvement of the normative framework.

How to Cite

Legai, J. (2021). LEGAL REGULATION OF SERVITUDES IN LATVIA AND UZBEKISTAN. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 71-79. Retrieved from
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servitude, law of property, servient property, dominant property, immovable property, encumbrance

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