

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Madlena Svilane


The rights of collective bargaining are constitutional rights which are included in Article 108 of Satversme. The mechanism of realization of these rights is included not only in national legal regulation, but also in international legal acts, which de ne the basic principles of collective bargaining. Between these principles the most fundamental principle is the principle of free and voluntary negotiation which is a fundamental aspect of the nature of collective bargaining. In the given article the author will clarify the difference between terms- the right of collective agreement and the right of collective bargaining and the realization of these rights in accordance with the principle of free and voluntary negotiation. The author comes to the following conclusion - despite the generally binding nature of the principle of free and voluntary negotiation, in the national legal regulation the realization of this principle is limited.

How to Cite

Svilane, M. (2021). THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPLE OF VOLUNTARINESS IN THE PROCESS OF CONCLUDING COLLECTIVE AGREEMENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 100-109. Retrieved from
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collective agreement, collective bargaining, the principle of free and voluntary negotiation, employee, employer, state

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