

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Inga Pantyuhina

  Lyubov Larina


The article gives a comparative analysis of the regulation of sexual offences by the Russian and Latvian legislators. The authors defined similar and distinctive elements of sexual crimes, advantages and disadvantages of their regulation. From among the identified advantages of regulation of the elements of sexual offences in the criminal laws the authors poined out the most promising for use in the framework of improvement, especially those that can improve the quality of regulation of the elements of crimes and thus ensure to a greater extent the protection of sexual freedom and inviolability of a person both in Latvia and in Russia.

How to Cite

Pantyuhina, I., & Larina, L. (2021). CRIMINAL POLICY IN THE SPHERE OF PROTECTION OF SEXUAL INTEGRITY (COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RUSSIAN AND LATVIAN LEGISLATION). Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 44-56. Retrieved from
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sex offences, sex abuse, rape, indecent assault, minor, qualifying features

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