

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Olga Matvijenko


The problem discussed in this article is currently very topical in Latvia, as mass information media formally are not acting as an official instrument of power. At the same time mass media affect deeply the ideological and political spheres of the country particularly and the society in general, in some cases violating acts of the effective legislation. In this case legal regulation of legal acts is very important as the information flow via the electronic media is constantly increasing. This issue is of top importance concerning the legal sphere, as in case of its further development it would be possible to come to new, scientifically proved solutions regarding the improvement of the current legislation, define and include additional amendmends with the objective of increasing quality and effectiveness of active legal institutions within the legal system of Latvia.

How to Cite

Matvijenko, O. (2021). PROBLEMS OF LEGAL REGULATION OF MASS INFORMATION MEDIA ACTIVITIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 67-75. Retrieved from
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mass information media, legal adjustment, problems

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