

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Olga Bumazhnikova


The article is dedicated to the problem of encumbrance. The disputes on the legal nature of encumbrance of both movable, and real estate in private law are still going on. The article opens with the general concepts of the principles of law and principles of encumbrance. The author examines some principles of encumbrance of property applied in the private law of Russian Federation and considers their role in the legal regulation of private legal relationships. The author draws a special attention to the problem of coordination of state and public interests and private law in the sphere of both immovable and movable property and contemplates possibilities to balance these interests applying the principles of encumbrance.

How to Cite

Bumazhnikova, O. (2021). PRINCIPLES OF ENCUMBRANCE OF PROPERTY IN PRIVATE LAW OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 45-52. Retrieved from
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encumbrance, encumbrance of property, encumbrance role, legal regulation of public relations, principles of encumbrance

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