Types of administrative penalties and criminal penalties, as a basis for classifi cation of administrative offenses and misdemeanors



Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Nikolai Sambor


The article discusses different approaches to differentiation of administrative and criminal offenses. The reason for this distinction was the reform of the criminal procedural legislation of Ukraine, which introduced a new ground of criminal liability - criminal offense. The author analyzes different doctrinal approaches to differentiation among administrative offenses and misdemeanors. The author defends the point of view that administrative penalty is a form of criminal punishment. Such signs of illegal acts as public danger and the way of imposition of penalty may be grounds for distinguishing between administrative offenses and criminal offenses.

How to Cite

Sambor, N. (2021). Types of administrative penalties and criminal penalties, as a basis for classifi cation of administrative offenses and misdemeanors. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 4-14. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/bjlss/article/view/1438
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administrative offense, criminal offense, crime, administrative penalty, criminal penalties, the execution of penalties and punishments, community service, correctional work

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