

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Mihail Goncharov


The author of the research considers the legal status of owners of residential and nonresidential premises in residential houses alongside with the concept and nature of apartment house management. The author gives defi nitions to such concepts as apartment house management, residential property, and the premises or apartment owner. The rights and duties of the owners of premises in an apartment house are discussed and considered in some detail. In the conclusion the author suggests his recommendations on changes in the current legislation.

How to Cite

Goncharov, M. (2021). MANAGEMENT OF A RESIDENTIAL HOUSE: THE RIGHTS AND DUTIES OF THE APARTMENT OWNERS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 43-54. Retrieved from
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management of a residential house, owners of apartments, community of owners of apartments, general meeting of owners of apartments, management of a common property, privatization

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