

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Tatjana Jurkevich

  Oleg Sedyakin


The development of IT has led the modern society to widespread usage of digital technologies in all spheres of life. The EC has presented European Digital Single Market (DSM) project, which suggests amendments to some legal acts in different spheres. SMEs support, amendments to mail services, the ban of unjustifi ed geo-blocking, copyrights protection and cyber-security – each of these questions has specifi c barriers, which this project have to deal with. In the present paper, the authors try to conduct an analysis of the DSM-project and make their suggestions.

How to Cite

Jurkevich, T., & Sedyakin, O. (2021). EUROPEAN DIGITAL SINGLE MARKET: LEGAL, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL CHALLENGES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 15-23. Retrieved from
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European Union (EU), Digital Single Market (DSM), cyberspace, geo-blocking, online-trade

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