

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Salavat Dilmukhametov


A free formation of a non-defi ned contract is one of the basic elements of the freedom of contracting in the civil law. The appreciation of the merits of a non-defi ned contract and the clarifi cation of its features has a great theoretical and practical signifi cance. The judicial practice proves that incorrect determining of a non-defi ned contract, i.e. when a court determines a non-defi ned contract, as a contract of another kind, will subsequently bring to recognition of this contract as invalid, which entails certain liability, change of tax regime and imposing of penalty for failure or non-prompt payment of taxes. This article is concerned with the legal nature of non-defi ned contracts and its interrelationship with mixed contracts and the proposed solution to the dispute as to the priority in applying of legal regulation of contracts, defi ned and non-defi ned by the laws. The author analysed several kinds of non-defi ned contracts, commonly used in legal practice. The author also provides the concept of a non-defi ned contract.

How to Cite

Dilmukhametov, S. (2021). LEGAL REGULATION OF NON-DEFI NED CONTRACTUAL STRUCTURES IN CIVIL LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 45-52. Retrieved from
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freedom of contracting, law of obligations, shareholders’ agreement, non-defi ned contract, mixed contract

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