

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Gulzira Baysalovа


The article analyzes the problem of administrative responsibility, as one of the most versatile and most fully realized kinds of legal liability, and main approaches to the modern theory of administrative law for the defi nition of administrative responsibility. The author comes to the conclusion that the sole origin of all kinds of legal liability indicates that the administrative responsibility is a negative reaction of the state, the state body, or a state offi cial on the offense and is a measure of law enforcement, implemented in the form of imposing certain administrative and legal sanctions on the offender by the authorized bodies of legislation. The main result of this study was the establishment of the fact that to determine the administrative responsibility as an independent kind of legal responsibility, it is advisable to use a methodological approach in the presence of basic criteria: the criterion of legal liability differentiation, specifi c implementation mechanism of responsibility, and a specifi c type of jurisdictional process in which this type of liability is realized.

How to Cite

BaysalovаG. (2021). CRITERIA FOR ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSIBILITY AS AN INDEPENDENT TYPE OF LEGAL LIABILITY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 53-65. Retrieved from
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responsibility, legal responsibility, administrative responsibility, criteria, industry classifi cation criteria

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