

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Sandugash Tusupbekova


The specifi city of the sources of law, as the central section of jurisprudence, is manifested in their relation to the sphere of law. Nowadays a particular interest of researchers is drawn to the problem of the relation of the sources of law to the concept of the forms of law, as well as the classifi cation and hierarchy of the sources of law, and the defi nition of the legal nature of various sources. These and other questions will be essential not only for national legal systems, but also for legal families as a whole. In this article the author discusses some problems concerning the forms and sources of positive and natural law, types and classifi cation criteria of the sources of the Romano-Germanic law, the place and role of laws in the Anglo-American system of sources of law, types and characteristics of sources of the EU law, and the role of decisions of the European Court concerning the law enforcement activities in the EU Member States.

How to Cite

Tusupbekova, S. (2021). SPECIFIC FEATURES OF THE SOURCES OF MODERN LAW. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 75-89. Retrieved from http://baltijapublishing.lv/index.php/bjlss/article/view/1455
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law, source of law, form of law, ratio, legal family, law, positive law, natural law, classifi cation

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