

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Kitija Bite


The author of the given article discusses the principle of subsidiarity, as fundamental to the functioning of the European Union, its legal regulations and its utility in resolving work related conflicts. National legal regulations define the code for resolving labour related conflicts rather thoroughly, indicating possible means of resolving such issues within the company (by discussions, calling a conflict resolving committee and with a conciliator/mediator); in the court and/or arbitration court; and by strike and/or lock-out. The order represented by the legislation implies the very meaning of the subsidiarity principle which is to seek settling disputes within the company itself. However, it is a common practise in Latvia to settle disputes in court rather than to use alternatives suggested by the law. The goal of the article is to research the legal regulations of the subsidiarity principle and to draft its improvement proposals for the cases of work related conflicts. The author comes to the following conclusion – the current legal regulations are sufficient to settle work related disputes using subsidiarity principle; although it is an ongoing practice to solve the issues in court. The author advocates compulsory application of the subsidiarity principle in settling conflicts of individual rights that should be adapted as a law.

How to Cite

Bite, K. (2021). THE PRINCIPLE OF SUBSIDIARITY IN THE LABOUR DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 47-55. Retrieved from
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subsidiarity, employment law, work conflicts, work conflict resolving committee, mediation, arbitration court, court

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