

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Ilze Kaparsmite


Since enactment of the new Insolvency Law on 1 January 2008 offering a new legal solution – legal protection of a debtor, until present, when the second Insolvency Law was enacted, legal protection proceedings have been initiated in 505 cases, including 149 cases when legal protection proceedings were instituted and 389 cases when legal protection proceedings were terminated. The increasing number of legal protection cases has also increased the issues related to such legal solutions. Recent discussions have focused on shortcomings of the Insolvency Law that can be easily used for dishonest purposes circumventing the interests of creditors. Conceptual shortcomings of the Insolvency Law in the norms regulating legal protection are obvious. The limited rights of creditors in legal proceedings along with the vast powers of administrators constitute a topical issue of legal protection. The law-related literature in Latvia lacks special studies of the legal protection proceedings, internal as well as external control over it and the issues inherent in the handling of cases. Legal protection is discussed rather superficially in the works of law specialists of Latvia, yet certain developments have methodological importance in understanding of the underlying issues. The purpose of this article is to define the concept of a creditor and their role in legal protection proceedings, as well as groups of creditors, issues related to external control; to discuss and determine the legal status of a creditor in legal protection proceedings.

How to Cite

Kaparsmite, I. (2021). ANALYSIS OF LEGAL STATUS OF A CREDITOR IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EXTERNAL CONTROL OF LEGAL PROTECTION PROCESS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (1), 81-97. Retrieved from
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Legal protection; creditor; security; tax administration

1. «Insolvency law» of the Republic of Latvia, 01.11.2007. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No. 188 (3764), 22.11.2007,presently ineffective. Available on:, [surfed on 02.04.2014.];
2. «Insolvency law» of the Republic of Latvia, 26.07.2010. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No. 124 (4316), 06.08.2010., as amended until 01.04.2014. Available on:, [seen 02.04.2014.];
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7. Refer to Estonian «Saneerimisseadus» (came into effect on December 26, 2008), in translation to English «Reorganisation Act» or «Restructuring Act», in Latvian «Likums par reorganizāciju» or «Likums par restrukturizāciju»; available on:, [surfed on 03.04.2014.];
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10. Refer for an example to the decision of Riga city Ziemeli district court adopted on January 14, 2013 on case No. C32335912;
11. Decision of the Supreme Court Senate Civil Case department of the Republic of Latvia adopted in October 23, 2013 on case No. SPC-48/2013;
12. Decision of the Supreme Court Senate Civil Case department of the Republic of Latvia adopted in October 26, 2012 on case No. SPC-47/2012;
13. [41] Section 341.6 1;
14. [2] Part C;
15. [1] Section 1;
16. [2] Section 1;
17. Aigars G., Davidovics G., Torgans K. Commentaries to Civil procedure law II (Section 29 – 60). Riga, Tiesu namu agentura, 2012;
18. Internet resource available on:, [surfed on 02.04.2014.];
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22. Melkis I. The purpose of the legal protection of a debtor. Jurista vards No. 18 (421), 09.05.2006;
23. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 12.10.1996 «On insolvency of the companies and partnerships», «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.165 (650), 02.10.1996., «Zinotajs», No.20, 24.10.1996., currently ineffective. Available on:, [surfed on 01.04.2014.];
24. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 20.02.1937 «Civil Law», as amended until 01.04.2014. «Valdibas Vestnesis», No. 41. Available on:, [surfed on 04.04.2014.];
25. [24] Section 1938;
26. [24] Section 1524;
27. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 08.11.2012 «On Extrajudicial Recovery of Debt», Section 1, amended until 01.04.2014 «Latvijas Vestnesis», No. 186 (4789), 27.11.2012. Available on:, [surfed on 04.04.2014.];
28. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 05.10.1995 «Law on Credit institutions», Section 1, with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.163 (446), 24.10.1995., «Zinotajs», No.23, 07.12.1995. Available on:, [surfed on 05.04.2014.];
29. Minister Cabinet Regulations of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 15.12.2009 No.1486 «Procedure in which the budget institutions arrange the accounting recording», Section 150, with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vēstnesis», 203 (4189), 28.12.2009. Available on:, [surfed on 05.04.2014.];
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31. Law of the Republic of Lithuania adopted on 20.03.2001. «On restructuring of enterprises» No. IX-218 (in English «Law on restructuring of enterprises»). Available on:, [surfed on 05.04.2014.];
32. [2] Section 42.2;
33. [2] Section 38.5;
34. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 21.04.2005 «Financial Collateral Law», with amendments until 05.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.74 (3232), 11.05.2005., «Zinotajs», No.11, 09.06.2005. Available on:, [surfed on 02.04.2014.];
35. European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/47/EC adopted on 06.06.2002. (June 6, 2002) «On contracts of financial collateral». Available on:, [surfed on 06.04.2014.];
36. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 21.10.1998 «On commercial pledge», with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.337/338 (1398/1399), 11.11.1998. Available on:, [surfed on 06.04.2014.];
37. Grutups A., Kalnins E. Comments to the Civil law. Property (Section 927 – 1129). Riga, 2002;
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39. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 15.02.2007 «Patent law», with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.34 (3610), 27.02.2007. Available on:, [surfed on 07.04.2014.];
40. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 16.06.1999 «On Trademarks and Geographical origin Indications», with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.216 (1676), 01.07.1999., «Zinotajs», No.14, 22.07.1999. Available on:, [surfed on 07.04.2014.];
41. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 14.10.1998 «On Civil procedure», with amendments until 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.326/330 (1387/1391), 03.11.1998., «Zinotajs», No.23, 03.12.1998. Available on:, [surfed 02.04.2014.];
42. Law of the Republic of Latvia adopted on 02.02.1995 «On taxes and fees», as amended up 01.04.2014. «Latvijas Vestnesis», No.26 (309), 18.02.1995., «Zinotajs», No.7, 13.04.1995. Available on:, [surfed on 02.04.2014.]
43. [2] Section 38. 5;
44. Informative report of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia «About improvement of insolvency process administrator activity controlling system». Available on: , [surfed on 10.04.2014.]