

Published: Dec 3, 2021

  Krystyna Szczechowicz


The issues analyzed in this article are legal regulations in Poland concerning telephone tapping. The aim of this article is to indicate how the legal regulations concerning such surveillance in certain countries are formed, what the bases of ordering surveillance are, and what the time, period, and possibilities of using materials obtained through the use of surveillance in a criminal proceeding are. Surveillance and recording of telephone conversations, commonly known as tapping, constitutes one of the most controversial sources of obtaining evidence in a criminal proceeding. Such activities conducted by authorities raise vivid reactions, discussions and suspicion associated with secretiveness of tapping. As a result, domestic law needs to determine sufficiently enough the scope of such an application, granted to an appropriate authority as well as the method of its conduct, taking into consideration the justified purpose of the adopted means so as to provide an individual with proper protection.

How to Cite

Szczechowicz, K. (2021). TELEPHONE TAPPING IN POLISH CRIMINAL PROCEDUR. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 38-42. Retrieved from
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telephone tapping, criminal procedure, right to privacy, evidence in a criminal procedure

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