

Published: Apr 4, 2022

  Peter Mons


A total of 18 governments took turns during the period of Latvian parliamentarianism between 1918 and 1934. In science, the question of a felt loyalty by the Baltic Germans, as an imagined collective, towards the new Latvian state belongs to the more frequently asked discussion. This work focuses on the question of how Baltic German loyalty is perceived in German historiography, ascribed by the activities of their representatives in the national parliament. Their activities are closely related to their minority’s overall relation to the Latvian state and evolved over five parliamentary phases. Those will be reevaluated, under consideration of the perception in German historiography, showing that the respective zeitgeist was crucial to understand the Baltic German attitude towards the Latvian state and to finally answer the question of a felt loyalty.

How to Cite

Mons, P. (2022). THE LOYALTY-QUESTION OF BALTIC GERMAN MPS TOWARDS THE REPUBLIC OF LATVIA (1918–1940) IN GERMAN HISTORIOGRAPHY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 6-14.
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Latvia, Saeima, Baltic Germans, Minority Policy, German Historiography

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