

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The article is devoted to the dynamics and evolution of the concept of «tradition» which for a long time in European historiography has evolved into a synergy of related sciences such as philosophy, ethnology, religion, art history, ethnography, and others. In this work, the content of the etymology of the concept of “tradition” is deciphered, the types and classification of this concept are analyzed, which comprehensively constitutes scientific knowledge on this issue. The foundation of a meaningful understanding of the concept of “tradition” was and continues to be the result of material and spiritual socio-cultural heritage, which determines national identity and statehood and is the result of collective human activity in general and each nation in particular. The following research is based on the heuristic method of systematization of existing modern scientific thought, which formed the cultural studies direction of the reconstruction of the holistic process of the problem; historical and retrospective for the study of historical and theoretical aspects of the content of the concept of “tradition”, the evolution of development in national and foreign historiography, and chronological to reveal the state of scientific research on the problem in historical and chronological order.

How to Cite

Balabushka, V. (2022). DYNAMICS OF THE THEORETICAL RATIONALE FOR THE CONCEPT OF “TRADITION” AND ITS CLASSIFICATION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 26-30. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-2-3
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types of traditions, classification of traditions, rationale for the concept of “tradition”

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