The article provides a detailed analysis of the direct object of unlawful obstruction of the organization or holding of meetings, rallies, marches and demonstrations. It is carried out on the basis of the general provisions of the concept of the object of criminal offense as public relations. For a deep understanding of this object within the framework of this concept, it is necessary to analyze all the structural elements of public relations that are the object of the investigated criminal offense. Examining them, we conclude that the main direct object is public relations that ensure the realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen, in particular, the right to assemble peacefully, without weapons and hold meetings, rallies, marches and demonstrations. An additional optional object of the investigated criminal offense is the public relations that exist in connection with health care and physical integrity of the person.
How to Cite
object of criminal offence, public relations, unsub of public relations, social bond, mechanisms of damage, subject of public relations
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