

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The article is analyzed the artistic category of the iconographic canon. The author gives a number of terms that relate to the theory of art. The category of iconographic canon has not been studied in national art. In scientific exploration is given the answer to the question what is “canon”, “iconic rule” “parallel canon” and others. An overview of the most famous definitions of the iconographic canon is made on the basis of elaborated authoritative sources. Considerable attention is paid to non-canonical icons of the XX centuries, where the process of search for new artistic forms of furniture articles through the use of a national cultural tradition is activated. The thesis proves that furniture business in the first half of the XX century functioned only in workshops and their activities had a creative artistic direction iconographic canon. The author shows that under new conditions artistic non-canonical icons acquired new design tendencies through the synthesis of innovations traditions.

How to Cite

Kozinchuk, V. (2022). METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF THE CANON IN ICONOGRAPHY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 73-80.
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canon, canonical art, canonical specimens, icon, iconic canon, church canon in Orthodox iconography, iconographic canon, artistic canon of church creativity, iconic rules, art, art criticism, paracanon, church

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