

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The purpose of the article is to study one of the most characteristic features of totalitarianism – the domination of a single comprehensive ideology on which the political system of the state is built. After the establishment of Soviet power in Ukraine in the early 1920s, communist ideology reigned in its territory for a long time, actively implanting the ruling regime to the entire population from an early age. Achieving the goals and objectives of the study was based on general scientific and specific historical methods of scientific research. Among them, the use of the method of analysis and synthesis is leading, which made it possible to determine the general features of the influence of communist ideology on the younger generation in Soviet Ukraine in the interwar period, based on the study of individual components. The article describes the features of ideological influence on school education in Soviet Ukraine in the 20–30’s of the twentieth century through the prism of comprehension of documents of party and state bodies aimed at the propaganda of Marxism-Leninism among the youth and examples of its attitude to party agitation are given. It is substantiated that the development of the Soviet school coincided in time with the latest trends in world pedagogy, the emergence and spread of new approaches to teaching and education aimed at improving the efficiency of the educational process and preparing individuals for adulthood. The scientific novelty is that the main task of the Soviet school, especially since the 1930s, was to form a loyal young man and turn him into a staunch builder of communism, able to ignore the difficult present for a better future. In the 1920s and 1930s. Communist propaganda and agitation became an integral part of school education and upbringing in Soviet Ukraine. The main task of the school in the interwar period was to form in the individual an exceptionally positive attitude to the Soviet-Bolshevik government and new realities of life and negative to the whole “bourgeois culture” and “foreign” way of life. The efforts of teachers were aimed at this, who, in addition to performing professional functions, became the main tool for instilling the dominant ideology.

How to Cite

Mykhailyk, A. (2022). CHILDREN AS AN OBJECT OF IDEOLOGICAL INFLUENCE IN SCHOOL EDUCATION OF SOVIET UKRAINE IN THE 1920–1930. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 87-94.
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book, book culture, information culture, documentary communication

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