The main purpose of scientific research is analytical exploring to consider the interpretation of the concept of “book’ culture” in the interdisciplinary Ukrainian and foreign scientific discourse. For implementation of this task, there are important to consider the main aspects to the interpretation of the concept of “book’ culture”. Such aspects include – theoretical and methodological, historical and practical areas of research. Also, the description of the views of Ukrainian and foreign researchers about the structure and nature of book culture deserves attention. As a system, book culture has the synergistic effect, because this type of culture combines not only the carrier of information, but also transmits values, reflects a certain level to culture of society. In general, there are four main levels of book’ culture – 1) the creation of the book – the combination of information and material components to the codex document in handwritten, printed and typographic way; 2) the preservation of book arrays – the activities of book collections, library institutions for the formation of book culture; 3) the book’ distribution – promotion of reading culture and book culture in general among social groups; 4) rethinking the importance of the book for the formation and translation of cultural values. The book’s culture had become the reason for the formation of information culture. Currently, this type of culture assessed as equal in the system of related cultures – the information culture, the literacy culture and the oral culture. At the same time, the question of defining the relationship between the terms “book’ culture” and “culture of book” are open for scientific discussion. The evolutionary development of book culture for different regions and for different historical periods also requires further research.
How to Cite
book, book culture, information culture, documentary communication
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