

Published: Apr 4, 2022


In the provisions of the scientific article, the author analyzes the use of communication by local governments as an important mechanism for the development of a viable territorial community. Through communication, feedback occurs when local authorities inform the community about their activities, as well as learn about the effectiveness of their work. Communication is an effective management tool for the development and implementation of measures necessary to achieve goals in the community. Therefore, communication activities should be applied strategically, be well thought out, systematic, regular and properly monitored. Strategic communication is the connection of the right message with the relevant target audience in a relevant way. An important element in the system of interaction between executive authorities, local governments and the public is the creation and implementation of a communication strategy of the territorial community, which is a powerful tool for involving citizens in community management and socio-economic development. Community communication strategy can become an effective “bridge” between local government and the population, provided an active citizenship and responsible attitude to the responsibilities and powers of all participants in communication, which will lead to the creation of an institutionally capable territorial community.

How to Cite

Polozheshna, I. (2022). COMMUNICATION – AN EFFECTIVE MECHANISM FOR CREATING CAPABLE COMMUNITIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 107-115.
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decentralization, communication strategy, territorial community, public, communication tools, local governments, territorial communities

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