

Published: Apr 4, 2022


Monumental oeuvre by Ukrainian-polish artist Wilhelm Kotarbinski is variable, and a complex part of it is fully presented in the Khanenko mansion interiors (now the Khanenko museum, Kyiv, Ukraine). Those artworks conform a marvelous décor ensample in the historicism manner, showing the eastern influence on European artists by plots and depicted objects. Far eastern and Egyptian temples, drawn by Kotarbinski, were carefully analyzed and attributed. The source of inspiration for the artist were books about art of his time. Those editions were also found and such analogies as prints, photos and illustrstions are shown in the essay. Turn of the century under review (end of XIX – begin in of XX c.) was marked by eastern reminiscences in art together with recreating classical western past.

How to Cite

Sakorska, O. (2022). KOTARBINSKI MONUMENTAL ART IN THE KHANENKO MUSEUM: EASTERN REMINISCENCES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 116-125. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-2-14
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Wilhelm Kotarbinski, Khanenko museum, interior, eastern motifs, historicism

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