The article considers the problems of the main directions of interaction of the national police with other public administration bodies in the field of law enforcement, investigates theoretical and legal issues of police interaction with law enforcement agencies in the field of protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, and regulatory legal regulation. In particular, the legal essence of interaction is determined, which includes the concept of its individual elements, as well as the signs and principles of its implementation, a distinction is made between the categories of “interaction”, “coordination” and “cooperation”. On this basis and on the basis of the analysis of normative legal acts of different levels the forms and directions of interaction are defined, the lack of attention of joint coordination and the organization of interaction is stated that does not provide coordinated work of law enforcement agencies and negatively affects the overall results of their work, identified a number of factors that slow down (make impossible) the interaction between law enforcement agencies, emphasized the mechanisms of prevention and counteraction, conducted an in-depth comparative analysis of different approaches to the category of «interaction», provided an author’s definition of interaction and interaction between law enforcement and the national police.
How to Cite
police officer, law enforcement system, police legislation, public administration, law and order, legality
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