

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of professional development of pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions of Ukraine in the conditions of reformation and modernization of the educational sector, in particular at the primary, basic and preschool levels. The overview of changes in the educational space of Ukraine in connection with the adoption of the concept of the New Ukrainian School has been represented, namely reorientation of primary, basic secondary and preschool education to the formation of students’ life skills and development of their basic qualities in various activities. The normative legal provision has been characterized, which regulates the activity of postgraduate educational institutions and determines the order of professional development of pedagogical workers of the specified category, in particular its main types. Attention is paid to the features of improving preschool teachers’ professional competence in the modern space of postgraduate education in Ukraine according to the qualification characteristics defined by the Professional standard of this category, the requirements of the updated Basic preschool education component as a State standard of preschool education.

How to Cite

Shved, H. (2022). TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE MODERN SPACE OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION OF UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 180-184. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-2-23
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professional development, postgraduate education, teachers, preschool educational institutions, Basic preschool education component

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