

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The article considers management tools to increase the efficiency of socio-economic development of regions: stimulating interregional cooperation, increasing the dynamics of economic interactions in the implementation of joint projects, modernization of infrastructure, solving important problems of local communities. The specifics of the use of cross-border interregional cooperation, under the influence of international organizations, the development of the subjective role of the regions, improving the conditions of interaction with foreign partners are analyzed. The importance of the innovative component of regional development and international regional economic cooperation at the stages of making major decisions of regional public governance is presented. Emphasis is placed on the study of the innovation potential of the region in the framework of choosing a model aimed at effective governance, achieving goals at the intermediate and final stages of implementation of regional development programs. Emphasis is placed on institutional forms of involving local communities in border regions in order to solve common problems of economic growth, remove artificial barriers, ensure the movement of services and capital. On the base of analysis, the parameters of increasing the initiative of the respective regions, their ability to formulate transparent and effective rules, plans and development programs for the long term are substantiated.

How to Cite

Shcerbak, V. (2022). DISCLOSURE OF INNOVATIVE POTENTIAL OF REGIONS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF INTERREGIONAL COOPERATION AT THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL LEVELS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 185-190. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2021-2-24
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regional development, interregional economic cooperation, cross-border cooperation, public governance, innovation potential

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