

Published: Apr 4, 2022


The article is devoted to one of the important aspects of the functioning and development of symphonic music in the social and cultural environment of modern China. By the example of the activities of specific orchestral groups and conductors, the main trends in the development of modern China symphonic music in its performing dimension are highlighted. Positive changes guided by the policy of reforms and openness in the field of culture are described. It is emphasized that as a result of the transformations, symphony orchestras are now successfully operating in various regions of China. The importance of the role of conductors in achieving the required artistic level of orchestral teams is emphasized. The ways of interaction of Chinese and Western culture in the field of symphony, as well as the high professionalism of Chinese artists and the degree of integration of Chinese art into the world music and cultural process are demonstrated. Examples of the work of youth symphony orchestras are considered, where artistic and educational tasks are combined. The involvement of orchestras in the implementation of socially significant projects is considered, as well.

How to Cite

Yang, J. (2022). SYMPHONY MUSIC OF MODERN CHINA: PERFORMANCE DIMENSION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 191-197.
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symphony orchestras of China, intercultural relations, conductors, conducting arts, youth orchestras, educational art programs

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