

Published: May 23, 2022


The article highlights the theoretical and methodological aspects of the use kobza art in the system of patriotic education of student youth in Ukrainian schools. The current tendencies of the educational process in school educational institutions are revealed, the problems that need urgent solution are identified. The phenomenon of kobzarism in the cultural-historical retrospective is characterized, the various analysis of educational aspects of kobzarism is carried out. The patriotic and educational potential of kobzarism through the prism of the generalized image, repertoire of artists, their beliefs, actions and ideas is analyzed. The author draws attention to the national-patriotic orientation in the activities of kobzars of the past and present, relying on personalities to historical events. The importance of patriotic education for high school students through kobzarism is substantiated. Ways and methods of using kobza art in the education of patriotism through students are proposed. Prospects for the introduction of kobza art in the educational paradigm of modern schools are identified.

How to Cite

Zhdankina, A. (2022). THE KOBZAR’S ART IN THE PATRIOTIC EDUCATION OF SCHOOL YOUTH. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 35-40.
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patriotic education, kobzarism, art, student youth, high school students.

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