

Published: May 23, 2022


An independent prosecutor’s office is a guarantee of observance of laws and public order in any state, including Ukraine. A clearly defined and transparent procedure for dismissal of a prosecutor from his/ her office is, in particular, a component part of the prosecution agencies independence. Based on the results of systematic processing of laws and regulations as well as judicial practice, the scientific paper outlines the range of agencies and officials, with the participation of which the decision to dismiss a prosecutor from his/her office is made. The author established which subjects have a direct influence and which have an indirect influence on staff issues at the Prosecutor's Office of Ukraine. The role of each subject in dismissal of a prosecutor from his/ her office is detailed and the consequences of such subjects’ influence are analyzed.

How to Cite

Zashupina, Y. (2022). AGENCIES AND OFFICIALS, AFFECTING DECISIONS ON DISMISSAL OF A PROSECUTOR IN UKRAINE. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (4), 41-47.
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head of the prosecutor’s office, Supreme council of justice, court, body, conducting disciplinary proceedings, staff commission, medical board.

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