

Published: Oct 25, 2022


Formation of a complex of methods of scientific knowledge of the phenomen on of art of artistic design of theater performances in order to identify scientifically grounded ways to improve scenography and increase the theoretical and methodological level of scenographic creativity of professional training of theater and artistic personnel. From the point of view of the methodology, the analysis of the art of contemporary stage has become complex and relies on philosophical, aesthetic, art, cultural, sociopsychological and historical approaches in combination with applied theatrical science. Among the methods of analysis, the leading place in the study of transformational problems of the stage is given to the system-structural method. From this point of view, the scenography can be considered as a figurative-plastic system consisting of certain artistic elements (fine arts, design architecture, costume architecture, design, etc.), and at the artistic and synthetic level as a subsystem of the general system of theatrical art, which is in relation to the scenography by the context and source of artistic influences that determine the forms and content of theatrical and decorative creativity.

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Alisher, A. (2022). METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE STUDY OF CONTEMPORARY THEATER AND DECORATION ART. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 7-11.
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art history, theory, methodology, scenography, theatrical art, theater studies.

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