

Published: Oct 25, 2022


The concept and structural elements of the crime prevention mechanism are analyzed in the scientific article. It was noted that in the current conditions of the development of Ukrainian statehood and russia's aggressive military invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the protection of national security is of great importance. The main factor in this is the development of new and improvement of existing methods and measures of crime prevention, development and adoption of a comprehensive crime prevention plan. In this regard, the question arises as to the definition of the constituent elements of the crime prevention mechanism, which should be aimed at achieving a socially acceptable level of crime, minimizing the consequences of committing criminal offenses. The crime prevention mechanism is proposed to be understood as the process of implementing a complex of interrelated and mutually coordinated measures of an economic, legal, political, organizational and managerial nature, which are aimed at the prevention, prevention and termination of criminal offenses and are carried out by specially authorized state bodies within the framework of a comprehensive crime prevention plan. It has been proven that it is expedient to normatively define the mechanism of crime prevention in the law of Ukraine «On the basic principles of crime prevention in Ukraine» and to provide for the main directions of preventive activities.

How to Cite

Vitiuk, D. (2022). TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE MECHANISM OF CRIME PREVENTION. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 30-35.
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