

Published: Oct 25, 2022


The article examines a prognostic method aimed at determining the propensity for delinquent behavior and personal characteristics of adolescents that influence the formation of illegal behavior (basic drives, current tendencies, the necessary sphere and types of accentuation of character traits).This method made it possible to combine both subjective projective and verbal methods (methodology of Sondi’s eight trains in a modification by L. Sobchyk; patho-characteristic diagnostic questionnaire by N. Ivanova, A. Lychko), and objective (timekeeping according to the method of B. Tsukanov). Based on the proposed discriminant function, the abnormal personality development of delinquent teenagers is determined by such basic parameters as: subjective time step; deviant orientation of the motivational and semantic system and orientation of the individual in relation to social norms and values; disharmony of individual psychological (characteristic) properties and drives. These parameters, with the help of a discriminant function, form a three-dimensional system of coordinates for the diagnosis and correction of abnormal personality development. The reliability of the method, taking into account the proposed measurement procedure, is 70.62%.

How to Cite

Koval, H. (2022). PROGNOSTIC METHOD OF DETECTING DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR OF ADOLESCENTS. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 104-110.
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prognostic method, teenagers, unit of time, delinquent behavior, chronometric test, accentuation, base urges, prevention.

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