

Published: Oct 25, 2022


Today a number of theoretical problems of self-development, in particular professional self-improvement of the personality of future highly qualified specialists, requires a balanced pedagogical approach. The aim of the article is to consider theoretical and methodological foundations and develop an educational model of the use of digital tools in the system of professional self-improvement of students on the example of institutions of higher medical education. The conducted pedagogical experiment allowed to check the effectiveness of the structural model of professional self-improvement of students developed by the authors by means of digital technologies. A number of methods of mathematical statistics were used, which made it possible to obtain qualitative indicators and determine the increase in the percentage of students by the levels of formation of professional self-improvement in comparison with the formative and final section. An educational model for the development of professional self-improvement of future specialists has been developed and its effectiveness in the educational process of medical university has been experimentally tested. We see prospects for further research in the development of theoretical and methodological foundations for training future professionals in various fields of professional activity through digital technology.

How to Cite

Lunhol, O., & Haborets, O. (2022). EDUCATIONAL MODEL OF PERSONAL SELF-IMPROVEMENT OF STUDENTS BY MEANS OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 128-133.
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IT technologies, higher education, self-development, professional analysis, educational model.

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