The article examines the issue of musical training in second-grade schools for teachers of Southern Ukraine at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, which were subordinate to the Educational Council of the Holy Synod. It has been noted that the emergence of such schools in 1896 was due to the urgent need for mass training of teachers for the growing network of literacy schools. On the basis of archival documents, the author has researched the peculiarities of the emergence and functioning of second-grade church schools for teachers of the Kherson and Taurida Dioceses. The content, methods, forms, as well as the achieved results of music education in schools of the Southern region have been analyzed in the article. It has been emphasized that the main subject of musical training in these types of institutions was Church Singing; in some schools, playing the violin and wind instruments were also studied; orchestras and choirs were organized from the best pupils; a widespread practice of implementing the tasks of spiritual, moral and musical education of pupils was the holding of literary and musical evenings.
How to Cite
Musical training, schools for teachers, schools of literacy, Holy Synod, Kherson and Taurida Diocese, Russian Empire.
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