

Published: Oct 26, 2022


In the provisions of the scientific article, the author substantiates the worldview and philosophical perception of jazz dance in the cultural and artistic space of the historical period of the 20th century – early 21st century in the context of the development of modern choreographic art. As a result of the study, an expansion of ideas about the philosophy of choreographic art is formed, which is reflected in the formation of the perception of modern dance in modern science. Also, in defining the worldview of jazz dance in the artistic space, which manifests itself at all stages of its development and becomes relevant in the art criticism discourse of the late 20th - early 21st centuries, it is a logical conclusion that jazz dance has a meaningful philosophical content and tries to give answers to eternal questions. , as well as everyday problems: how not to lose everything, and if this happened, then restore strength, and restore yourself anew, how to find love, and when found, how not to get rid of it, solve all the problems of a domestic nature and the spiritual life of everyone person. Jazz dance has always been a mirror image of a person's existence, his worldview and manifestation of will, striving for originality and revealing his own individuality. The dance movement of jazz dance is always a hymn in honor of human life in its manifestations and depths of all aspects of human existence, which is clearly manifested in the dance art. One of the main philosophical properties of jazz dance is the ability to quickly and thoroughly respond to all socio-political and historical processes of society development. Reflection of cataclysms, crises and pertrubation of economic development filigree reflects the tragedy of wars and emotions, its completion from victory to defeat. It is constantly developing, forming new samples, directions and whole self-sufficient types and directions of modern dance art.

How to Cite

Plakhotnyuk, O. (2022). PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD OF JAZZ DANCE IN THE ARTISTIC SPACE OF THE 20TH CENTURY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 157-162.
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choreographic art, dance culture, dance, modern dance, philosophy of jazz dance, intercultural feature of jazz dance.

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