One of the urgent problems of modern Ukrainian diachronic sociolinguistics is highlighted: consideration of the language issue in the Halychyna Seim within the linguistic situation that developed in a separate administrative-territorial union: it is about the time-space of the Austro-Hungarian Empire of the second half of the 19th century. It has been proven that the language policy on the territory of Eastern Halychyna was decided ambiguously, since two nations, the Ukrainians and the Polish, lived on this territory, each of which used their native language. It is noted that the central government of the Austro-Hungarian Empire recognized the independent status of the Ukrainian people and their language and guaranteed Ukrainians the right to develop their national language, representatives of the Polish nationality were against this and tried to displace the Ukrainian language from all spheres of public life of Ukrainian Halychinians. It was noted that, having obtained a majority in the Halychyna Seim, Polish deputies proposed draft laws that limited the status of the Ukrainian language on the territory of Eastern Halychyna.
How to Cite
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