

Published: Oct 26, 2022


In the provisions of the scientific article, the author focused on clarifying the essence of the interaction between the executive authorities, local self-government bodies, the National Police and the public in matters of ensuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the institute of administrative responsibility in the field of nature protection. The definition of the content of the concept of «interaction of environmental protection subjects» has been improved by adding the category «continuity». It was found that in the system of nature protection subjects, an important place belongs to local self-government bodies, as the bodies that are in the closest connection with the community, have the best information about the state of natural resources in the relevant territory, as well as the presence of environmental problems. It was determined that the issue of cooperation is also an integral part of the activities of the National Police. An important role is assigned to the research of public control in the field of nature protection. It was concluded that with established interaction with executive authorities, local self-government bodies, the police, public organizations and citizens can instantly respond to violations of environmental legislation, timely identify offenders and use legal mechanisms to influence them.

How to Cite

Sukhorebra, T. (2022). INTERACTION AS A FORM OF NATURE PROTECTION ACTIVITY. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (2), 195-200.
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forms of interaction, local self-government bodies, local state administrations, law enforcement agencies, public control, administrative offenses in the field of nature protection, administrative responsibility.

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