The article reveals the problem of the formation of emotional stability in students of a children's music school. In this aspect, the author carries out a component-structural analysis of the studied formation and singles out the following components: motivational-volitional; information and activity; emotional and personal. It has been proven that the motivational and volitional component has a stimulating effect on the effectiveness of the process of improving students' executive and mental activity; informational and activity ensures that students accumulate the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to reproduce a musical image in stage conditions, which is necessary for the formation of emotional stability in musical and interpretive activities; emotional and personal – reveals in students the external and internal factors of the studied phenomenon, the ability to self-evaluate and reflect on musical-interpretive activities, the ability to correct one's own mental and emotional state on stage, focused on self-development and further professional growth. The methodological basis of the research is dialectical and systemic methodologies used in the field of pedagogical research. General scientific and logical methods of analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction, historical and comparative research of the problem are used. The subject of further research in this direction may be the study of the conditions for the formation and development of the stress and adaptation potential of emotional stability. We assume the presence of close correlations between the level of emotional stability and the effectiveness of overcoming emotional disruptions, stability in this case will indicate the severity of stress and adaptive capabilities of the individual.
How to Cite
emotional stability, emotions, executive activity, children's music school students, component structure, motivational-volitional component, informational-active component, emotional-personal component.
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