

Published: Dec 2, 2022


The scientific work is devoted to the study of approaches to the classification of interbudgetary transfers in Ukraine and abroad. It has been determined that the classification of interbudgetary transfers is not established due to the constant changes in relations regulated by law, which necessitates the search for new models and mechanisms for financing public needs. The legislation of foreign states and doctrinal developments of foreign authors regarding the issue of types of interbudgetary transfers and features of their provision has been analyzed. The possibility of assigning interbudgetary transfers established by the norms of the budget legislation of Ukraine to the classifications developed by the foreign doctrine of budget law, taking into account the latest changes in the budget legislation of Ukraine, has been established. The most common are classifications depending on the model of building inter-budgetary relations in a specific state: depending on the presence of a target purpose, depending on the term of provision, depending on the presence of an equalizing orientation, depending on the degree of their obligation, depending on the direction of movement of funds, depending on the direction of movement of interbudgetary financial flows.

How to Cite

Bokovykova, Y., & Bokovykova, Y. (2022). APPROACHES TO THE CLASSIFICATION OF INTERBUDGET TRANSFERS IN UKRAINE AND ABROAD. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 4-10.
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budget, interbudgetary transfers, classification of interbudgetary transfers, interbudgetary financial flows, purpose of transfers

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