

Published: Dec 2, 2022


The aim of this article is to provide analysis of the current regulations in the sphere of higher education in the European Union and scientific works related to the development of social entrepreneurship skills under modern conditions. Moreover, the paper brings in a comprehensive system towards providing students with the necessary entrepreneurial skills within the present higher education system. It has been defined that the set of key transversal skills outlined by the Commission to the European Parliament in 2017 lay in the area of social entrepreneurship. The reason for this is seen in the current trends on the global market and the challenges that humankind is facing in the present time. Three approaches have been studied as the most relevant ones for providing students with relevant skills: transdisciplinary, learner-centred and challenge-based. Based on their reconsideration, a comprehensive system towards development of social entrepreneurship skills among students has been suggested.

How to Cite

Dyvnych, H. (2022). HIGHER EDUCATION TREND: SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS THE KEY TRANSVERSAL SKILL. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences, (3), 21-28. https://doi.org/10.30525/2592-8813-2022-3-3
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social entrepreneurship, skills, students, higher education, approach, system

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